Commercial Spaces

Projetos de interiores para INTERPREV, by Ana Raposo


Emporium Deluxe is the company responsible for the new decoration of the headquarters and different delegations and respective clinics, nationwide, of the renowned company INTERPREV, which provides external services in the areas of Occupational Health and Safety, Food Safety and Training.

Challenging and demanding projects that are based, in part, on the colors presented in the company logo (blue and red) and, also, whenever they prove to be significant for the project, on distinctive/characteristic elements of the region in which they are located, as is the case of Lisbon, Porto and Évora, for example.

A company that confirms the value and importance of image in the current market and that, therefore, invested in the renovation of its spaces that are original, striking and differentiating, without ceasing to be functional and providing all the rigor and professionalism that characterizes the company. Interprev's performance in the market.


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